Schlagwort-Archive: TGRWT

TGRWT #4: Cold cuts with mustard-mint-sauce

Cold cuts of veal with mustard-mint-sauce

They go really well together food blogging event (TGRWT) is all about flavour pairing, that is combining ingredients and flavours that wouldn’t usually be put together and seeing how it turns out. Ingredients to pair this time are MUSTARD with MINT. For the fourth event (TGRWT #4), hosted by Dennis of Kookjegek, I present a light mustard-mint-sauce, served to cold cuts of veal. Perfectly fitting to warm summer evenings. The mustard-mint sauce is a derivation of my dill-mustard-sauce, which I use for the same purpose. Deutsche Zusammenfassung am Schluss. TGRWT #4: Cold cuts with mustard-mint-sauce weiterlesen

TGRWT #4 is here !

Blog-Event TGRWT #4Dennis aus Holland von Kookjegek hat das hosting der neuesten Runde des food-pairing events übernommen. Diesmal geht es darum SENF mit MINZE zu kombinieren.

Dennis schreibt: “I’m happy to announce that Martin from has asked me to host the 4th round of the foodblogging event ‘They Go Really Well Together‘. TGRWT is all about combining ingredients people might consider out of the ordinary. But the combinations are not just randomly chosen. The theory behind this is that ingredients with similar volatile aroma compounds should go really well together. But this is just theory. We want to test this by trying them out in dishes, and you can participate!“

Bild anklicken und Ihr seid auf dem Blog von Dennis mit den Teilnahme-bedingungen. Dennis‘ Motto ist: “een dag niets nieuws geproefd is een dag niet geleefd”.  Recht hat er !

TGRWT #3: Strawberries with Campari and Coriander Filling

Strawberries filled with Campari and corianderThey go really well together food blogging event (TGRWT) is all about flavour pairing, that is combining ingredients and flavours that wouldn’t usually be put together and seeing how it turns out. Ingredients to pair this time are Strawberries & Coriander. For the third event (TGRWT #3), hosted by Evelin of bounteous-bites , I present strawberries, filled with a smooth jelly of Campari with Coriander. The idea for the Campari-filling I have found in Ulla’s Blog A moveable feast. The original recipe seems to come from Ferran Adria from El Bulli. All my contribution was the addition of coriander to the filling and reducing the amount of gelatin to make the jelly smoother. (Deutsche Zusammenfassung am Schluss) read more: TGRWT #3: Strawberries with Campari and Coriander Filling weiterlesen

TGRWT #3 is here !

Blog-Event TGRWT #2Evelin aus Talinn von bounteous-bites hat das hosting der neuesten Runde des food-pairing events übernommen. Diesmal geht es darum Erdbeeren mit Koriander zu kombinieren.

Sie schreibt: „Never heard of the event? Really? Or just curious whether it really is what you think it is? Well, TGRWT is about pairing ingredients that have similar volatile aroma compounds. Or in less words – smell alike. It is about bringing together certain ingredients just because chemistry tells you to do so. Why are we talking about smell, but not taste? It’s been discovered that only 20% of what we „taste“ is perceived by the tongue and 80% by the receptors in the nose. Ingredients that have similar volatile aroma compunds should, in theory, go together well. Wanna test?

Bild anklicken und Ihr seid auf dem Blog von Evelin mit den Teilnahme-bedingungen. Ich werde auch wieder teilnehmen. Weiss auch schon was ganz Lustiges.

Banana Gremolata Terrine (TGRWT #2)

Banana Gremolata Terrine finishedThey go really well together food blogging event (TGRWT) is all about flavour pairing, that is combining ingredients and flavours that wouldn’t usually be put together and seeing how it turns out. Ingredients to pair this time are BANANA & PARSLEY. For the second event (TGRWT #2), hosted by Tara of Should You Eat That, I present a terrine, filled with Basmati-rice together with italian Gremolata, which is here a mixture of finely chopped parsley and lemon peel (without garlic). And as the core of the terrine: banana. Zusammenfassung in Deutsch siehe Schluss. for the recipe: Banana Gremolata Terrine (TGRWT #2) weiterlesen

Candied, chocolate-coated Garlic (TGRWT #1)

garlic coatedThis is my contribution for the food blogging event They Go Really Well Together (TGRWT #1). My intention was to use the whole garlic cloves and to heat them in a strong sugar-coffee solution until the cloves are candied. The dried cloves have to be coated with chocolate. However, the result was rather a failure. Zusammenfassung in Deutsch am Ende des Beitrags. Candied, chocolate-coated Garlic (TGRWT #1) weiterlesen

food pairing event TGRWT #1


Ein neuer food blogging event ist ausgeschrieben für food pairing „They Go Really Well Together (TGRWT)“ bei blog khymos. Deadline ist der 1. Mai 2007. Details siehe dort.
Der Begriff „food pairing“ bezieht sich auf die Kombination von Aromen auf Grundlage ihres Gehalts an flüchtigen Stoffen. Wissenschaftler vermuten, dass wenn 2 oder mehrere, auch noch so verschiedene Nahrungsmittel einen flüchtigen Aromastoff gemeinsam aufweisen, diese Nahrungsmittel geschmacklich mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit gut zusammenpassen. Die gestellte Aufgabe ist einfach: Es muss ein Gericht zubereitet werden, welches die drei Geschmacksträger: Schokolade, Knoblauch und Kaffee gleichzeitig enthält. Das scheint mir für unsere Schokoladen-Event-XXII Teilnehmer eine lösbare Aufgabe, wenn ich mir die darin gezeigte Kreativität vor Augen führe. Alles Weitere in blog khymos.